This is just a cell phone picture my mother took on Saturday. She and Reinhardt (her husband) went to breakfast at Dee's on 2100 So and President Monson sat two tables away from them. Just before they left, she went over and shook his hand. He asked for her name and introduced her to his wife. He was very gracious. It was a neat experience. I noticed from the picture that everyone is looking at him. I imagine he really has no privacy wherever he goes in Salt Lake City. I think he intentionally tries to be among people even though it might be easier not to be. I remember reading that he sits in regular seats at the Jazz games he attends.
This trait reminds me of a friend of mine who is in the Secret Service. He has been assigned to all sorts of famous politicians including President Obama when he was a candidate, Hillary Clinton, President Clinton and others. He said that the most difficult to be assigned to was President Clinton because he loves to go out and shake hands and talk to people in crowds. That is a nightmare to Secret Service who would prefer that he remain safely away from crowds. I see President Monson that way. I am sure that it would be safer and easier for him to stay out of the public but he prefers to be among people. I really love President Monson. My favorite talk during the last General Conference was the last talk by President Monson. He reminded me of President Hinckley in the way he urged us to focus on the positive and be optomistic. I think as a people we do a poor job of this, tending to pessimism, and it is a message we need to hear.